Build Pillar Image (fist with roots holding a hammer)

We often think of our work in four pillars “Build. Grow. Cook. Heal”.

We have four main pillars that frame our work: Build. Grow. Cook. Heal. Each focus on an area that we feel is critical for food system shifts and fostering our pathways to collective freedom.

Click on each of the pillar images above to be directed to their individual pages.

Growing your own food is about more than what you eat. Reestablishing your connection with the soil and living things around you awakens a part of you that you may have never known existed, it grounds and revitalizes you.

All bodies. All abilities. All Welcome.

text saying all bodies. all abilities, all welcome. and four hearts with images representing rest, meditation, care, and sitting

When we talk about restorative healing we always include experiences that allow us and others to put their hands in the dirt. We hope to expand that to events on the land that include bodywork such as massages and resting/mindful areas.

Smiling community members on the farm

Interested in coming for a visit?

Please check back here for information on upcoming farm days.

Danie stretching with wheelbarrow

Looking to 2023

Medicinal Herbs

On Fresher Together Farms we grow medicinal herbs that can be used in cooking, as teas, and be used in topical salves/ointments. We currently only include our herbs in our BIPOC Harvest Bags but we hope to be able to supply these separately or use them to make products for purchase.

Here are some uses of some of the herbs we grow at Fresher Together

cutting board with various herbs

Check back here for updated information and resources.

Lemon Verbena- Lemon Verbena like many of the other herbs in this bundle is great for tummy issues as well as joint pain and inflammation. Add it in with others, as a nice tea to have before bedtime. Besides making a yummy hot or iced tea, you can use it in syrups and bases to make fun alcohol-based drinks as well (try vodka). Also works well in fish and poultry dishes. And, if you can find some mason jars, try adding a little to your jams and jelly recipes.

Lime Basil - Put this on and in whatever you want! It’s delicious in stir-fries, on seafood, poultry, and veggies.  This would pair nicely with your eggplant and some tomato sauce as well. It’s great as a tea. Steep the flowers and leaves in hot water, great to drink hot, or sweeten it while hot and pour it over ice.  High in vitamins A, K, and C

Lemon Balm- This is one of my favorite herbs to add to my stress reduction, anxiety reduction, relaxation before sleep, and tummy health blends. But besides all its calming qualities, it can be used in cooking. Brighten up your soups, throw on chicken or fish, add it to your fruit salads, and baked goods, or make a delicious iced tea. As with most herbs check with your herbalist or doctor before using Lemon Balm for treatment, and definitely consider avoiding it if you are nursing or pregnant.

Catatumbo Cooperative Farm’s Lemongrass- My favorite use for lemongrass is in my brothy coconut soups that remind me of times in Thailand. I also use it in my curry paste blends with ginger, garlic, chilis, shallots, and various other ingredients. Lemongrass is nice with most protein and veggies. It has many health benefits including reducing inflammation, relieving anxiety, and pain relief, etc.

