October 16, 2022
From Our Farmers
Stay in touch on our Instagrams and websites
Fresher Together Chicago
@ FresherTogether www.freshertogether.com
Shishito peppers, Tulsi, Basil, Thyme, Garlic, Onion, Aloe Plant
Brown Sugar Bakery Chicago
@brownsugarbakeries https://www.brownsugarbakerychicago.com
Caramel Cupcakes
Bee-utiful Chicago
@bee_utifulhoney www.bee-utifulbees.com
Urban Eden Chicago
@urbanedenfarms www.urbanedenfarms.com
Baby greens and Rainbow mix microgreens
Chicago Bread Club Chicago
@chicagobreadclub https://www.chicagobreadclub.org
Pancake Mix
One Family Farms Chicago
@1_familyfarms www.1familyfarms.com
Romaine lettuce, Swiss Chard, Collards, Curly Kale, Red Mustards, Bell Peppers, Cucumbers, Roma Tomatoes, Zucchini, Spinach, Jalapenos
Never hesitate to reach out if you’re unsure what to do with things in your bag! HarvestBag @ freshertogether.com or text 312-88-Fresh (3-7374)
Sweetest Day
I’d never heard of Sweetest day until recently. What I learned from Google (https://nationaltoday.com/sweetest-day/) is that sweetest day was created by candy companies in Cleveland and that it is for err’body (everybody). On the first sweetest day candy was distributed to folks typically not appreciated such as elderly folks, orphans, and those without higher incomes. Today, Sweetest day is kind of seen as an alternative to valentine’s day. You don’t have to give a sweet or treat to a romantic partner, it can be anyone you want to show appreciation to.
Did you already know about this day? How did you celebrate it?
Community Grain Shares - Chicago Bread Club
The mission of the Chicago Bread Club is to share the art and knowledge of bread, and to promote and expand the racial equity of the regional grain economy. Community Grain Shares create curated local grain and bean experiences for community with a focus on making sure those, often with little or no access to local grain, receive it. We partner with local grain farmers to purchase grain and beans, especially culturally significant grain and beans in bulk to repackage and distribute to the community. These items include things like oats, beans, grits, cornmeal, flours, etc. With shared leadership of both organizations, Fresher Together manages Chicago Bread Club and the Community Grain Shares Program. To learn more visit the website here
Brown Sugar Bakery
Please welcome Brown Sugar Bakery! This is the first bag that has included their products and we couldn’t be more pleased. Brown Sugar Bakery is a Southern-style bakeshop specializing in traditional sweet treats & custom cakes. They are located in Chicago but ship nationwide so be sure to check out there website to learn more about them and to try out their delicious desserts. Click here to visit site.
Whats in the bag?
This week’s bag includes an Aloe Plant! Aloe can be used in many different ways. My favorite way is to use it in my DIY hair products.
Taking care of aloe plants can have a learning curve but here are some tips from the almanac.
Lighting: Place in bright, indirect sunlight or artificial light. A western or southern window is ideal. Aloe that are kept in low light often grow leggy.
Temperature: Aloe vera does best in temperatures between 55 and 80°F (13 and 27°C). The temperatures of most homes and apartments are ideal.
Water aloe vera plants deeply, but infrequently. In other words, the soil should feel moist after watering, but should be allowed to dry out to some extent before you water again. If the soil stays overly wet, the plant’s roots can rot.
One rule of thumb for fall and winter watering is to roughly double the amount of time between waterings (as compared to your summer watering schedule). In other words, if you water every two weeks in summer, water every four weeks in winter.
When watering, some excess water may run out the bottom of the pot. Let the pot sit in this water so that the soil absorbs as much as possible. Wait 10-15 minutes, then dump any remaining water.
For more information visit the almanac here